Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Healthy Turkey Mini Meatloaf

This recipe is GREAT to prepare your food in advance for the week, cook 6 then freeze or wrap the rest for the following days. Also for a light dinner gathering.
Each loaf is about 200 calories. Low low calories & fat
Serve with a Mixed green salad or steamed veggies.

Items needed:
mixing bowl
2 muffin pans
healthy non stick cooking spray (olive oil or canola)

(Organic if possible)
1.5 pound lean ground breast of turkey
1/2 red bell pepper
1/2 yellow onion
2 egg whites
1 egg yolk
1/2 grated carrot
tbsp. chopped fresh rosemary
tbsp. chopped fresh tarragon
tbsp. chopped fresh rosemary
couple dashes white pepper
couple dashes Braggs sprinkle & spices seasoning
couple pinches poultry seasoning

Preheat oven to 325-350
Mix all ingredients together until well blended with hands or spatula
spray muffin pans with cooking spray
I use a scale and weight out 2-3 oz balls
then place in muffin pan
I make a little well and put about a teaspoon of
Trader Joes Tomato Basil Marinara or use sugar free ketcup
Bake 30-35 min. depends on how oven cooks

You can get creative with any other veggies, chilis, you can add topping after about 20 minutes of baking remove and add more sauce, or any other healthy topping then return to oven for 5-10 minutes.
Makes 12 mini loaves


Little Ms Blogger said...

200 calories? I'm looking for low calorie meals at the moment.

Thanks for sharing.

Empowering the Goddess said...

it's very low cal nothing but protein. YEAP about 200 calories for 1 mini loaf

Petunia said...

If you're looking for healthy recipes that taste wonderful, try the Schwarzbein Principle Cookbook. It takes a little more prep time because you are using all fresh ingredients but it is worth it. My whole family loves anything from this cookbook.

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